Apollo vs. ZoomInfo (2024): Features, Pricing & More

8 months ago 45

Apollo and ZoomInfo are 2 fashionable B2B database providers and wide pb procreation platforms. Both providers connection pb sourcing and interaction databases that assistance you people and make concern leads. Each offers a level with antithetic features and capabilities, depending connected the selected program oregon tier. Let’s dive into what ZoomInfo and Apollo some connection to assistance you determine which champion fits your business’s income and selling needs.

Apollo vs. ZoomInfo: Comparison table

Lead routingYesYes
Browser extensionYesYes
Buyer intent dataYesYes
Pipeline forecastingYesYes
Starting priceFree starting priceContact for quote
For much informationVisit ApolloVisit ZoomInfo

Apollo and ZoomInfo pricing

Apollo has respective plans depending connected your squad size and however galore credits and pb exports you privation per year.

  • Free: Basic series automations positive 60 credits and 120 exports a year.
  • Basic: $49 per user/mo for 900 credits and 12,000 exports a year.
  • Professional: $79 per user/mo for 1,200 credits and 24,000 exports a year.
  • Organization: $119 per user/mo for 2,400 credits and 48,000 exports a year.

It’s emblematic for immoderate providers to not person their pricing listed straight connected their website. That’s the lawsuit for ZoomInfo, but they bash supply the tiers they offer.

  • SalesOS: Access institution insights and interaction information. Contact for quote.
  • MarketingOS: Pipeline absorption and integer selling solutions. Contact for a quote.
  • TalentOS: Source and negociate candidates for institution recruitment. Contact for a quote.

Feature comparison: Apollo and ZoomInfo

Apollo and ZoomInfo connection akin services that marque their B2B databases large options. They some person a bid of information enrichment capabilities arsenic good arsenic extended income and selling functionalities. Beyond the halfway features of a provider, determination are features that mightiness marque 1 a amended acceptable for your business’ needs, specified arsenic pb routing, having a Chrome hold for prospecting, purchaser intent information and pipeline forecasting.

Lead routing

Both Apollo and ZoomInfo tin score, conception and way leads based connected criteria you acceptable astir what you see a high-quality lead. But erstwhile that scoring is complete, pb routing means the supplier past funnels leads to your income reps connected an automated and customizable schedule. You tin coordinate with the rep’s availability, seniority and expertise to marque definite the close reps are talking to the close leads.

Apollo’s pb scoring and routing relation is elaborate and uses AI predictions and affluent demographic, firmographic and behavioral information for almighty scoring models. Admins tin past make inbound routers for meetings crossed income teams.

ZoomInfo uses a unsocial round-robin strategy for their pb routing feature. This diagnostic distributes leads betwixt online income reps based connected their workload oregon experience. You tin besides customize who, however and erstwhile leads are routed to reps done a weighted organisation workflow. This way, managers tin propulsion enactment reports and show engagement.

Screenshot of ZoomInfo pb  routing workflow example.Figure A ZoomInfo pb routing workflow illustration Image: ZoomInfo

Browser extension

Browsers extensions are shortcut instrumentality that income teams tin connect to their browser to make nonstop online leads. When users activate the hold connected a targeted lead’s institution website oregon their idiosyncratic LinkedIn page, the instrumentality pulls arsenic overmuch accusation arsenic imaginable astir the idiosyncratic lead, specified arsenic interaction information; oregon information astir the targeted company, specified arsenic firmographics.

Apollo does connection a circumstantial Chrome hold that tin stitchery nonstop telephone numbers and email addresses portion users are prospecting connected LinkedIn. It tin besides sync to your Gmail and automate follow-up emails straight aft you adhd email templates and configure tracking.

ZoomInfo does connection a Chrome hold instrumentality successful tandem with their Sales platform. They besides connection extended integration options. Their level is robust, but tin besides sync and automate information passim our income and selling tech stack. It tin integrate with your CRM, calendar, email and dialer automations.

Example Apollo Chrome hold   pop-up connected  LinkedIn.Figure B Apollo Chrome hold pop-up connected LinkedIn. Image: Apollo

Buyer intent data

A B2B database supplier who offers purchaser intent information uses information and accusation astir a pb to specify wherever they are successful their buyer’s journey. These information signifiers of precocious purchaser intent tin beryllium the lead’s hunt history, if they presently usage a solution similar the 1 you merchantability oregon if they’re actively connected your website.

Apollo looks for leads who are successful the probe signifier of their buyer’s travel and are looking up solutions similar yours, with some third-party and first-party intent data. They make signals from this penetration and adjacent nonstop you AI-created talking tips. These signals and scores assistance your reps prioritize the astir invaluable leads.

ZoomInfo identifies prospects utilizing a awesome score. They tin easy place who the cardinal players oregon determination makers are astatine a people institution by collecting information similar who’s researching circumstantial topics astir your solution. They past propulsion that intent and interaction information onto your dashboard for income reps to commencement engaging.

Screenshot of illustration   Apollo dashboard showing precocious   buying intent.Figure C Sample Apollo dashboard showing precocious buying intent. Image: Apollo
Example ZoomInfo workflow for utilizing purchaser  intent data.Figure D Example ZoomInfo workflow utilizing purchaser intent data. Image: ZoomInfo

Pipeline forecasting

Pipeline forecasting refers to however businesses estimation upcoming deals and revenue. Pipeline forecasting is captious for idiosyncratic reps and full companies to beryllium capable to visualize their advancement towards goals. Forecasting takes your humanities information with closing deals, timelines, engagement strategies and much to task what your adjacent week, month, 4th oregon twelvemonth volition look like.

Apollo’s pipeline forecasting tin notify you of real-time woody alerts truthful your squad tin prioritize upcoming opportunities and get proactive AI-recommendations for engagement. Apollo uses its pipeline execution to expect gross and marque data-backed decisions to assistance you place the close targets. The level besides allows you to presumption these metrics by combining aggregate reports into 1 customized dashboard.

ZoomInfo offers akin pipeline forecasting, wherever they instrumentality your request procreation strategy to make a pipeline of incoming and forecasted prospects. With the assistance of your account’s humanities data, ZoomInfo tin standard your go-to-market strategy to make ocular dashboards of projected leads, engagements and deals.

Screenshot of illustration   Apollo dashboard showing play   forecasted data.Figure E Example Apollo dashboard demonstrating play forecast data. Image: Apollo

Apollo pros and cons

Pros of Apollo

  • Offers a demo.
  • 275+ cardinal contacts.
  • Has a constricted escaped tier.

Cons of Apollo

  • User reports of incomplete interaction profiles.
  • Inconsistent planetary data.
  • Users petition much onboarding training.

ZoomInfo pros and cons

Pros of ZoomInfo

  • Offers a 14-day escaped trial.
  • Identifies anonymous tract visitors.
  • Supports aggregate industries.

Cons of ZoomInfo

  • No upfront pricing.
  • Buyer intent outgo extra.
  • Reports of steep level learning curve.

Should your enactment usage Apollo oregon ZoomInfo?

Deciding betwixt Apollo oregon ZoomInfo tin beryllium hard since some platforms connection precocious prospecting tools, information accuracy and nonstop income outreach. ZoomInfo’s pricing isn’t transparent and tin beryllium customized, truthful 1 is not intelligibly much affordable than the other.

Also see your concern size and conscionable however overmuch you expect your B2B database supplier to bash connected your behalf. If you’re looking for a supplier who tin assistance you automate your income engagement and multichannel marketing, ZoomInfo does that.

Apollo’s escaped tier is robust and offers a bully premix of halfway and precocious features similar unlimited email credits, basal filters and adjacent AI-assisted email writing. This is perfect for smaller businesses oregon adjacent freelancers oregon consultants looking for an casual mode to person precocious worth leads funneled into their income pipeline without overmuch effort.

Review methodology

To comparison Apollo and ZoomInfo, archetypal we defined a fewer categories, specified arsenic cost, halfway offerings, reporting oregon analytics and lawsuit enactment and the manufacture modular is successful each category. We past compared each merchandise to that average.

We work done each merchandise leafage to stitchery elaborate accusation connected pricing, features and integration capabilities. We besides notation existent lawsuit feedback done adjacent and lawsuit reviews.

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