EaseUS Todo Backup Home review: This handy tool simplifies the backup process

2 years ago 40
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A bully backup instrumentality is indispensable for each user. If you’re an IT admin, a consumer-based backup inferior astir apt volition not beryllium your go-to catastrophe betterment tool, mostly due to the fact that of licensing issues. But if you’re a one-person store oregon enactment from home, this benignant of backup could beryllium ideal, particularly erstwhile that backup offers a unreality option, truthful you don’t person to beryllium connected outer drives that tin neglect to location those captious backups.

One merchandise that simplifies backing up information and images and wide works precise good is EaseUS Todo Backup Home.

SEE: Data backup policy (TechRepublic Premium)

EaseUS Todo Backup Home’s cardinal features

The latest iteration of EaseUS Todo Backup Home has an casual to usage interface; it mightiness not beryllium the astir modern-looking GUI (Figure A), but it cuts retired the clutter to marque it a svelte and stripped down instrumentality that doesn’t distract from the task astatine hand.

Figure A

UI of EaseUS Todo Backup HomeUI of EaseUS Todo Backup Home. Image: EaseUS

The bosom of EaseUS Todo Backup Home is backing up your files, folders and drives. With this backup solution, you get afloat (all of the information included successful your root folders), incremental (all of the information since your past backup), and differential (all of the changes since your past backup) backup methods arsenic good arsenic file, disk, astute and afloat strategy representation backups/cloning. That means you could opt to backmost up a fewer folders that could beryllium aboriginal restored to your section thrust oregon make a afloat representation backup that could beryllium utilized to wholly reconstruct the operating strategy and each of the containing configurations and data.

To instrumentality this 1 measurement further, EaseUS Todo Backup Home offers backup record encryption enactment utilizing AES 256-bit and adjacent migrates an older platter thrust to a caller SSD.

EaseUS Todo Backup Home besides features application/application information backup/restore. For example, you could make a caller backup task that includes circumstantial folders and your Apple Mail configuration/data. With this backup solution, you tin besides make a bootable Windows rescue disk (USB flash). In addition, you’ll find a useful folder sync enactment that makes it casual to support a root and destination folder successful sync with 1 different to guarantee they ever incorporate the aforesaid sub-folders and files.

Plus, EaseUS Todo Backup Home includes scheduling options that let you to motorboat a backup astatine circumstantial times connected circumstantial days oregon adjacent tally a backup erstwhile some root and destination are mounted. For example, you could make a backup for a circumstantial acceptable of folders oregon afloat representation that runs arsenic soon arsenic you plug successful the outer thrust associated with the job. That diagnostic unsocial is worthy the terms of admission.

The backup tool’s different features see bid enactment for some pre- and post-backups, earthy oregon data-only images, password protection, record filtering, email notifications, compression and divided backups successful lawsuit you person a destination thrust not ample capable to location the backup connected its own.

EaseUS Todo’s backup destination options

With EaseUS Todo Backup Home, you person a fewer options to prime for your destination drive. You tin prevention your backups to an interior directory (although I wouldn’t urge backing up to the aforesaid drive), an outer drive, and adjacent a unreality enactment (1TB is included for lone $59.95/year).

EaseUS Todo Backup besides includes enactment for OneDrive, Dropbox and Google Drive. One caveat is that EaseUS Todo doesn’t enactment good with the authoritative Google Drive Desktop lawsuit connected macOS; successful fact, erstwhile trying to get EaseUS Todo Backup to usage a mounted Google Drive location, it wholly froze up my desktop for astir 2 minutes. I had to discontinue the Google Drive Client to retrieve my session.

The pricing details for EaseUS Todo Backup Home

EaseUS Todo Back offers 3 plans: Home Users, Business Users, Centralized Backup And Deploy. Since we’re focusing connected the mentation for Home/Home bureau users, let’s instrumentality a look astatine the terms operation for that plan.

The location mentation is priced from $39.95/yearly and is for 1 machine (macOS oregon Windows), 1 twelvemonth of escaped upgrades, and modular tech support. You tin adhd 1TB of unreality retention to this plan, which bumps it up to $59.95/yearly. You tin besides wage $59.95 for a perpetual license, but you person nary escaped upgrades oregon $79.95 for escaped beingness upgrades.

EaseUS Todo Backup Home conclusion: A rock-solid solution

I’ve worked with immoderate of the astir analyzable backup systems connected the market; I’ve besides worked with backup solutions that are truthful basal they hardly get the occupation done. It’s that mediate crushed that serves arsenic the saccharine spot, and EaseUS Todo Backup Home nails it. EaseUS ToDdo Backup’s ratio of features to easiness of usage is 1 of the champion I’ve seen successful a while. In astir a minute, you tin get your backup task created (Figure B) and running.

Figure B

EaseUS Todo Backup Home.EaseUS Todo Backup Home. Image: EaseUS

If you’re looking for a rock-solid backup solution for your location oregon tiny business, EaseUS Todo Backup Home should beryllium 1 of the archetypal tools you consider. It’s a backup instrumentality that anyone tin usage to rapidly retrieve information if catastrophe strikes.

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