How to create Portainer teams for restricted development access

1 year ago 44

Published April 17, 2023

Jack Wallen shows you however to make a squad and adhd users successful Portainer successful a unafraid way.

Portainer is simply a large instrumentality absorption GUI that makes processing and managing your containers acold easier. One diagnostic that tin travel successful precise useful for larger organizations is Teams.

With Teams, you tin make aggregate teams, adhd users and past make containers with restricted entree to lone the teams who request to negociate circumstantial deployments. This diagnostic not lone helps you signifier your workflow, but it tin springiness you amended power implicit the information of those deployments. Let’s find retired however to make a team, adhd users and delegate a squad to a container.

  1. Log into Portainer, grow Users and click Teams successful the near navigation.
  2. In the resulting window, benignant your caller team’s sanction and click Create Team.
  3. Click the sanction of the caller squad you conscionable created and past click Add Associated with immoderate users you privation to adhd to the team. You besides indispensable delegate a squad leader; otherwise, you cannot delegate the squad to a container.
  4. Give your users entree to the situation by clicking Environments and past Groups.
  5. Click Manage Access, prime which idiosyncratic oregon users should person entree to the radical and click Create Access.
  6. Click Environments, prime the sanction of the situation you are moving with and click Manage Access.
  7. Select either the users oregon the squad you privation to person entree to the situation and click Create Access.

Now that your squad is ready, let’s delegate them to a caller container.

  1. Click Home, prime your situation and click Containers successful the near navigation.
  2. Click Add Container and past Restricted. You should beryllium capable to prime either the users oregon teams you privation to springiness entree to the caller container.

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Jack Wallen

Jack Wallen is an award-winning writer for TechRepublic, The New Stack, and Linux New Media. He's covered a assortment of topics for implicit 20 years and is an avid promoter of unfastened source. For much quality astir Jack Wallen, sojourn his website

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