Sekoia: Latest in the Financial Sector Cyber Threat Landscape

10 months ago 42

A caller study from French-based cybersecurity institution Sekoia describes evolutions successful the fiscal assemblage menace landscape. The assemblage is the astir impacted by phishing worldwide and is progressively targeted by QR codification phishing.

The fiscal manufacture besides suffers from attacks connected the bundle proviso concatenation and stands among the astir targeted sectors impacted by ransomware successful 2023. And an summation successful attacks connected Android smartphones affects the sector, some for cybercrime and cyberespionage operations.

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The phishing threat

Phishing is the apical integer transgression for 2022, according to the FBI, with much than 300,000 victims successful 2022. The Anti-Phishing Working Group indicates that successful the 3rd 4th of 2022, the fiscal assemblage was the astir impacted by phishing campaigns, with 23% of fiscal institutions being targeted.

Phishing arsenic a work massively hits the sector

According to Sekoia, the phishing-as-a-service exemplary has been massively adopted successful 2023. Phishing kits built of phishing pages impersonating antithetic fiscal organizations are being sold to cybercriminals successful summation to kits made to usurp Microsoft and cod Microsoft 365 login credentials, which companies usage for authenticating to assorted services.

One illustration of specified a menace is NakedPages PhaaS, which provides phishing pages for a ample assortment of targets, including fiscal organizations. The menace histrion manages licenses and regularly announces updates via its Telegram channel, which presently has astir 3,500 members (Figure A). About this number, Livia Tibirna, strategical menace quality expert astatine Sekoia, told TechRepublic that “generally speaking, cybercrime actors thin to summation their audience, and truthful their visibility, by inviting users to articulation their nationalist resources. Therefore, the users are imaginable (future) customers of the menace actors’ services. Yet, different benignant of users joining menace actors’ Telegram resources are cybersecurity experts monitoring the related threats.”

Figure A

Example of an announcement connected  the NakedPages Telegram channel.Example of an announcement connected the NakedPages Telegram channel. Image: Cedric Pernet/TechRepublic

Among each of the provided phishing pages, the menace histrion mentions the online accounting bundle QuickBooks, utilized by galore organizations successful the fiscal sector.

The astir progressive instrumentality sets utilized for PhaaS implicit the past twelvemonth successful summation to NakedPages are EvilProxy, Dadsec, Caffeine and Greatness, according to Sekoia’s researchers.

QR codification phishing campaigns are connected the rise

An summation successful the fig of QR codification phishing, oregon quishing, campaigns has been observed by Sekoia. Quishing attacks dwell of targeting users with QR codes to deceive them into providing their idiosyncratic information, specified arsenic login credentials oregon fiscal information.

Sekoia assesses that QR codification phishing volition summation owed to its “effectiveness successful evading detection and circumventing email extortion solutions.”

Quishing capabilities are portion of the Dadsec OTT phishing arsenic a work platform, the astir utilized kit successful Q3 for 2023, according to Sekoia. It has been observed successful respective large-scale onslaught campaigns, impersonating banking companies successful particular.

Another ample quishing run targeted concern organizations via the Tycoon PhaaS kit. The quishing onslaught leveraged PDF and XLSX email attachments containing a QR code, yet starring to Microsoft 365 league cookie theft.

BEC campaigns evolve

Business email compromise campaigns person increased by 55% for the archetypal six months of 2023. While those attacks typically impersonated CEOs and high-level executives, they present besides impersonate vendors oregon concern partners.

One recent case has impacted the fiscal assemblage with a blase multi-stage adversary-in-the-middle phishing and BEC attack. The onslaught specifically targeted banking and fiscal services and originated from a compromised trusted vendor, showing an improvement successful the BEC menace landscape.

Multiple proviso concatenation risks

Open-source bundle proviso concatenation attacks person seen a 200% increase from 2022 to 2023. As 94% of organizations successful the fiscal sector usage open-source components successful their integer products oregon services, the assemblage tin beryllium affected by attacks leveraging compromises successful the open-source bundle proviso chain.

A striking illustration has been the Log4Shell vulnerability and its exploitation, which affected thousands of companies worldwide for fiscal summation and espionage.

Supply concatenation attacks specifically targeting the banking assemblage person besides been reported, showing that immoderate menace actors person the capableness to physique blase attacks against the sector.

As stated by Sekoia, “It is highly apt that precocious menace actors volition persist successful explicitly targeting the banking sector’s bundle proviso chain.”

Financial aggregators besides look arsenic a caller accidental for menace actors to people the sector. According to Sekoia, those aggregators “are not submitted to the aforesaid level of regularisation arsenic accepted banking entities and are supported by technologies with imaginable vulnerabilities.”

The International Monetary Fund besides states that “new technologies successful fiscal services tin besides make caller risks” and that “APIs with mediocre information architecture could pb to leaks of perchance delicate data.”

An attack connected 1 specified aggregator called Dexible successful February 2023 stands arsenic an example. In that attack, a vulnerability allowed attackers to orient tokens of users towards their ain astute contracts earlier being withdrawn.

Financially oriented malware

Malware designed to cod fiscal data, including recognition paper information, banking credentials, cryptocurrency wallets and much delicate data, person been astir for galore years already.

Mobile banking Trojans

A peculiar interest raised by Sekoia resides successful the expanding fig of mobile banking Trojans, which doubled successful 2022 arsenic compared to the erstwhile twelvemonth and continues to turn successful 2023. Sekoia predicts that this is apt owed to the summation successful mobile devices being utilized for fiscal services and to the information that those malware assistance bypass two-factor authentication.


Spyware — malicious pieces of codification designed for collecting keystrokes, credentials and much delicate information — person progressively been utilized successful 2023 for slope fraud, according to Sekoia. One Android malware is SpyNote, which started targeting banking applications successful summation to its erstwhile functionalities.


Ransomware targets the fiscal assemblage heavily, which became the fourth-most impacted sector successful the 3rd 4th of 2023, with ransom requests varying from $180,000 USD to $40 cardinal USD and having immense carnal impacts successful immoderate cases.

Sekoia reports an important alteration for known ransomware actors leveraging extortion impacting the fiscal sector, specified arsenic BianLian: They person shifted to an exfiltration-based extortion without immoderate encryption of the victims’ systems and data. This determination is apt done to debar encryption problems astatine standard during wide compromise campaigns.

DeFi and blockchain bridges nether attack

Decentralized finance, based connected blockchain technology, besides faces menace actors.

Cryptocurrencies are built connected assorted blockchains, which are closed environments that cannot pass with each other. To code this challenge, interoperability solutions person been developed, including cross-chain bridges and atomic swaps. These solutions trust connected astute contracts, segments of codification that execute token transfers based connected the validation of circumstantial conditions.

Attacks connected DeFi organizations mostly people their employees, who whitethorn beryllium lured into providing their credentials to attackers oregon becoming compromised by malware. Once wrong the organization’s network, the attackers are capable to bargain cryptocurrencies.

An illustration of a state-sponsored menace histrion targeting DeFi and blockchain bridges is Lazarus. The North Korean menace histrion has generated 10 times much money than different actors and mostly focuses connected the crypto assets manufacture entities located successful Asia and the U.S. alternatively than European accepted banking institutions. Three attacks targeting DeFi platforms person been attributed to Lazarus successful 2023 against Atomic Wallet, Alphapo and CoinsPaid, wide generating the theft of $132 cardinal USD.

It seems that targeting connected DeFi is mostly done by state-sponsored menace actors, arsenic told to TechRepublic by Coline Chavane, strategical menace quality expert astatine Sekoia: “DeFi platforms and services look to beryllium mostly targeted by state-sponsored intrusion sets alternatively than cybercriminals. In 2023, we did not observe important attacks perpetrated by cybercrime actors against DeFi. These services tin nevertheless beryllium utilized to marque amerciable transfers for cybercriminal head oregon ransomware groups.”

Globally, a loss of $3.8 cardinal USD has been reported by blockchain institution Chainalysis for 2022, with 64% of the nonaccomplishment coming from cross-chain span protocols.

A blurry enactment betwixt cybercrime and state-sponsored espionage

Attacks tin sometimes beryllium hard to attribute, particularly erstwhile an attacker’s information is not casual to estimate. Some attacks targeting the fiscal assemblage are afloat aimed astatine fiscal gain, but others mightiness purpose astatine cyberespionage. Yet adjacent much intriguing is the information that immoderate menace actors disguise their operations arsenic being financially oriented erstwhile they are successful information strategical operations with an espionage goal.

In 2022, Secureworks, a Dell Technologies company, published probe connected menace histrion Bronze Starlight targeting companies with ransomware. Secureworks indicates that “the operation of victimology and the overlap with infrastructure and tooling associated with government-sponsored menace radical enactment bespeak that BRONZE STARLIGHT whitethorn deploy ransomware to fell its cyberespionage activity.”

Another lawsuit exposed by Kaspersky sheds airy connected a cryptocurrency miner being an constituent of a much analyzable malware called StripedFly and associated with the Equation malware.

Reduce cyber menace risks

The fiscal assemblage is prone to respective information threats. Phishing and BEC person been astir for galore years but person evolved successful complexity to inactive impact the assemblage and support up with caller technologies. All employees moving for fiscal organizations should beryllium educated to observe phishing attempts oregon fraud that could people them. They should besides person an casual mode to study immoderate suspicious enactment to their IT department.

More indirect attacks are observed successful the wild, arsenic attackers person progressively been targeting organizations via proviso concatenation attacks. In particular, open-source bundle utilized successful products oregon services should beryllium cautiously checked earlier being deployed.

Disclosure: I enactment for Trend Micro, but the views expressed successful this nonfiction are mine.

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