Tech news you may have missed: Sept 15 – 21

2 years ago 52

Published September 22, 2022

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Learn however to assistance entree to Excel workbook ranges, get the latest updates connected the Windows 11 22H2 merchandise and larn astir the Uber hack successful this week’s roundup of the news.

Newspaper with tablet connected  woody  tableImage: sebra/Adobe Stock

In a week of information breaches and merchandise releases, these are the apical stories you whitethorn person missed connected TechRepublic for September 15-21, 2022.

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How to show aggregate expansive full rows successful a Microsoft Excel PivotTable

Microsoft Excel spreadsheet connected  a machine  screen.Image: wachiwit/Adobe Stock

While the PivotTable relation is reasonably casual to usage successful Microsoft Excel, the diagnostic does not easy amusement expansive totals crossed the table. Susan Harkins antecedently taught america however to show subtotals successful PivotTable, and present she shows you however to physique and usage expansive full rows.

TL;DR: This process involves respective steps and is counter-intuitive astatine times. But the extremity effect tin easiness the load of moving successful PivotTables for galore users.

Read the afloat nonfiction here.

Uber investigating information breach of respective interior systems

Data Breach Security Confidential Cybercrime Concept.Image: Adobe Stock

Uber suffered a information breach connected Thursday, September 15, that exposed institution accusation via Slack and respective interior databases. The breach was revealed erstwhile the hacker made a station connected the thrust sharing company’s interior Slack: “I denote I americium a hacker and Uber has suffered a information breach.”

TL;DR: The hack occurred done societal engineering techniques. While breaches of this benignant cannot beryllium wholly avoided, companies should guarantee the due grooming and guardrails are successful spot to forestall and mitigate attacks earlier delicate accusation is exposed.

Read the afloat nonfiction here.

Uber exposes Lapsus$ extortion radical for information breach

August 21, 2019 San Francisco / CA / USA - Close up   of UBER motion   astatine  their office  successful  SOMA district; Uber Technologies, Inc. is an American multinational proscription  web  institution  (TNC)Image: Sundry Photography/Adobe Stock

In a follow-up nonfiction to past week’s breaking quality of the Uber hack, Lance Whitney explains however the Lapsus$ hacker radical allegedly carried retired their onslaught connected the ridesharing company. The societal engineering onslaught was carried retired successful 2 stages: A hacker stole a contractor’s login via a fake two-factor authentication request, and different hacker purchased the credentials connected the acheronian web and sent a bid of two-factor authentication requests to the contractor. The contractor yet accepted 1 of those requests, allowing introduction to the systems.

TL;DR: Humans are the weakest nexus successful the information chain. Organizations indispensable supply ongoing grooming and consciousness of the latest threats to assistance employees astatine each levels place and study suspicious behaviors.

Read the afloat nonfiction here.

How to usage passwords to assistance users entree to antithetic Microsoft Excel workbook ranges

Microsoft Excel logo editorial illustrativeImage: Renan/Adobe Stock

Password extortion successful Microsoft Excel is utile for limiting entree to afloat worksheets oregon information sets, but it tin besides beryllium utilized to let aggregate users to entree information portion limiting the information each tin edit. Susan Harkins shows you however to usage the Allow Edit Ranges diagnostic to bash this.

TL;DR: You tin password support an full sheet, portion besides allowing entree for idiosyncratic users to update the cells you delegate to them. This password extortion is not a information measure, however, and is intended to forestall users overwriting their colleagues’ work.

Read the afloat nonfiction here.

Windows 11 22H2 is here

Windows 11 logo connected  laptop screen.Image: diy13/Adobe Stock

Windows has released an update to Windows 11 and volition proceed to rotation retired caller features monthly and arsenic portion of Patch Tuesdays. This docket of regular updates is meant to summation the information and usability of the operating system, portion giving IT professionals much power implicit what they merchandise to organizations.

TL;DR: Don’t number connected caller features to beryllium released each month. The caller strategy is meant to guarantee that Microsoft is releasing prime features erstwhile they’re acceptable and not according to an artificial deadline similar an yearly release.

Read the afloat nonfiction here.

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Image of Tamara Scott

Tamara Scott

Tamara Scott is Director of Content for TechRepublic. With implicit a decennary of acquisition successful online writing, she ensures the work of the highest prime concern exertion penning and provides penetration to tiny concern marketers connected the effectiveness of their online presence. Tamara antecedently served arsenic Managing Editor of,, and

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