The 16 Best Apple Watch Faces for 2024 (+ How to Change Them)

2 months ago 24
Image: Apple

During the September 7, 2022 Far Out event, Apple presented the caller watchOS 9, the Apple Watch Series 8, the caller Apple Watch SE and the Apple Watch Ultra. The latest products, operating strategy and redesigns present caller and much customizable ticker faces similar Lunar and Metropolitan.

It’s nary concealed that Apple Watch owners tin spot clip successful galore antithetic ways, choosing from a wide scope of faces. Even aft selecting the face, each tin beryllium highly customized, changing styles and colors, arsenic good arsenic adding features that the institution from Cupertino calls “complications.”

Some ticker faces are retired to marque a idiosyncratic statement. Others are tuned successful for wellness and maximizing sports performance, portion others are strictly designed for work. Changing look watches erstwhile they’re successful your postulation is arsenic casual arsenic a pat and a swipe.

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To assistance with your concern tasks and related activities, an Apple Watch look that delivers adjuvant accusation astatine a glimpse tin beryllium an asset. If you conscionable request the clip and nary different distractions, you tin take a elemental look specified arsenic California, Simple, Typograph oregon Numerals. On the different hand, if you woody with radical and projects worldwide, the GMT and World Time faces show the clip successful antithetic zones.

Not lone did the caller watchOS 9 bring a redesigned Compass app and caller wellness features, but Apple Watch users besides present person much ticker faces to take from, with richer complications that supply much accusation and accidental for personalization.

14 champion Apple Watch faces

Apple presented 4 caller faces and added caller ways to customize galore of the ones already offered. The update brings enhanced and modernized complications to immoderate classical ticker faces, specified arsenic Utility, Simple and Activity Analog, on with inheritance colour editing and personalizations for Modular, Modular Compact and X-Large.


The Metropolitan is 1 of the caller faces that Apple introduced successful the Far Out event. It’s a classic, type-driven ticker look that features custom-designed numbers that dynamically alteration successful benignant arsenic you crook the Digital Crown. The numerals rotate to go pills erstwhile your wrist is down.

You tin adhd complications to this face, specified arsenic Activity, Alarms, Astronomy (Moon Phase), Audiobooks, Calendar, Remote Camera, Compass (Compass, Elevation and Level), Compass Waypoints, Contacts, News, Phone, Reminders, Sleep, Stock, Workout and World Clock (Figure A).

Figure A

Metropolitan Apple Watch Face. Image: Apple


This look depicts the narration betwixt the Gregorian calendar and the lunar calendar utilized successful galore cultures, specified arsenic Chinese, Hebrew and Islamic. Customizable features for this look see Color, Calendar (Chinese, Hebrew and Islamic) and Time (Figure B).

Figure B

Lunar Apple Watch face. Image: Apple


Apple teamed up with creator Joi Fulton to make this caller face. The effect is simply a dynamic, colorful creation look unsocial to the brand. You tin rotate the Digital Crown to alteration the background, and characters respond erstwhile you pat connected the look (Figure C).

Figure C

Playtime Face Apple Watch. Image: Apple


Apple remastered the look Astronomy to make a caller archetypal face. The look features a caller prima representation and existent unreality data. This ticker look shows a continuously updated 3D exemplary of the earth, satellite oregon star system. You tin customize the presumption of the Earth, Moon and Solar System; acceptable a random presumption and alteration the benignant (Figure D).

Figure D

Astronomy Apple Watch face. Image: Apple


Several Apple Watch faces connection visuals, animations and different bells and whistles, but sometimes simplicity is best. The California look offers a cleanable look with a accepted analog clip show with numerals successful Arabic, Roman oregon different styles (Figure E). The Simple benignant serves up a clean, primary, analog display, and the Typograph benignant displays ample numerals, truthful you tin easy spot them.

Figure E

California Apple Watch face. Image: Apple


For a straightforward Apple Watch face, the Numerals displays a azygous bold fig for the existent clip with 3 hands to bespeak hours, minutes and seconds (Figure F).

Figure F

Numerals Face Apple Watch. Image: Apple

To acceptable this up, scroll down the Face Gallery successful the Watch app connected your iPhone until you spot the look for Numerals. Choose the colour and benignant you prefer. This look offers conscionable 1 complication: You tin customize to spot today’s date, the weather, reminders oregon different information. When ready, pat Add to adhd it to your existent Apple Watch look (Figure G).

Figure G

Setting up Numerals look connected Apple Watch. Image: Apple

Classic updated

Apple updated to heighten and modernize the classical faces that are fashionable among its fanbase. Faces specified arsenic Utility, Simple, Activity Analog, Modular, Modular Compact and X-Large tin present beryllium further personalized, and the design, colors and benignant tin beryllium changed (Figure H).

Figure H

Classic update Apple Watch face. Image: Apple

Nike Analog and Bounce

Those who bask the California and Typograph ticker faces tin present adhd Chinese scripts, portion Apple Watch users who are runners, acknowledgment to the watchOS 9 update, tin entree each the Nike ticker faces — adjacent those without a Nike model. These faces were designed successful concern with Nike. The analog-style ticker look prominently displays the clip successful ample numerals (Figure I).

Figure I

Nike Analog face. Image: Apple

Nike Bounce is simply a ticker look that moves arsenic you move. The integer numerals respond to each step, leap oregon question of the wrist. Users tin pat the show oregon crook the Digital Crown to besides acceptable things successful question (Figure J).

Figure J

Nike Bounce Apple Watch face. Image: Apple


To marque the Portraits look much modern, Apple added extent effects that tin beryllium applied to much photos, including those of your pets, similar cats and dogs. The effect besides works good with scenery photography.

The Portraits ticker look uses photos from the photograph room connected the user´s iPhone. Up to 3 styles and up to 24 images tin beryllium selected. A caller photograph appears each clip you rise your wrist oregon pat the show (Figure K).

Figure K

Portrait Apple Watch face. Image: Apple

Time Zone GMT

Knowing the clip successful antithetic countries and regions tin surely beryllium adjuvant if you woody with colleagues, customers oregon different radical astir the world.

The GMT look displays your section clip successful the interior portion of the dial and the clip for a antithetic portion successful the outer portion (Figure L). To acceptable a antithetic clip zone, pat the ticker look and crook the Digital Crown until you find the portion you privation to view. Tap the checkmark. Now, the outer ringing volition amusement you the clip successful that region.

Figure L

Time Zone GMT Apple Watch Face. Image: Apple

World Time

WatchOS 9 offers a look known arsenic World Time. The ticker look lets you way the clip successful 24 clip zones astatine once. The prima and satellite icons correspond sunrise and sunset wherever you are, and the airy and acheronian zones connected the globe bespeak nighttime and time moving crossed the world (Figure M).

Figure M

World Time Apple Watch face. Image: Apple

To acceptable this face, first, marque definite you’re moving the latest mentation of watchOS. Next, unfastened the Face Gallery connected your iPhone’s Watch app. The World Time appears astatine the apical of the surface nether New Watch Faces and toward the bottommost of the surface arsenic portion of the alphabetical list. Choose the colour and benignant you privation to use to the face. You tin besides customize immoderate of the 4 complications astatine the 4 corners.

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The interior dial shows the clip successful your existent portion with an analog oregon integer display. The outer dial shows the clip successful each portion worldwide successful subject oregon 24-hour clip (Figure N).

Figure N

Setting up World Time Apple Watch Face. Image: Apple


The Infograph look features up to 8 rich, full-color complications and subdials (Figure O). Maybe you request to spot a batch of information, specified arsenic the weather, temperature, elevation, mail, reminders, oregon banal activities. Or possibly you privation to beryllium capable to easy usage definite tools connected the Apple Watch, specified arsenic the calculator, camera remote, compass, stopwatch, timer oregon dependable recorder. In those cases, you request an Apple Watch look that tin show aggregate details.

Figure O

Apple Watch Infograph Face. Image: Apple

To acceptable up Infograph connected your Apple Watch, spell to the Face Gallery successful the telephone app, and swipe down to and pat the Infograph face. Choose your favourite color. Then pat each of the complications to prime the accusation you privation to see. Add the face. The antithetic complications look successful the 4 corners of the look and a bid of tiny dials successful the halfway (Figure P).

Figure P

Apple Watch Infograph look complications. Image: Apple


Sometimes you conscionable request to unwind from the regular grind. For that, you tin crook to ticker faces that promote you to relax.

The Breathe look offers speedy entree to the Breathe app, which helps you respire successful and retired for a abbreviated duration arsenic a mode to calm yourself. The look displays a gentle drafting of a face, which you tin pat to alteration into a antithetic image. And the Fire and Water look displays a changing animated representation of occurrence and h2o interacting to make a peaceful effect (Figure Q).

Figure Q

Apple Watch Breathe. Image: Apple


One peculiarly relaxing Apple Watch look is Kaleidoscope, which displays a bid of dilatory moving kaleidoscopic images that are soothing to ticker (Figure R).

Figure R

Kaleidoscope Apple Watch Face. Image: Apple

To acceptable this face, from the Face Gallery successful the Watch app, pat the Kaleidoscope face. Choose the representation you privation to see. You tin adjacent adhd 1 of your ain photos. Select a benignant and adhd complications if you wish. Add the look and ticker the representation alteration erstwhile you request a interruption (Figure S).

Figure S

Image: Apple

You tin besides find Apple Watch faces and Apple Watch look apps from 3rd parties. Open the App Store, either connected your iPhone oregon straight connected your Apple Watch. Search for the word “watch faces,” and you’ll find respective paid and immoderate escaped apps that connection their ain faces for your Apple Watch.

How to adhd faces utilizing the iPhone app

You tin adhd caller faces to your Apple Watch done your iPhone oregon utilizing your watch. To adhd faces utilizing your phone, unfastened the Watch app connected your iPhone, past pat the icon astatine the bottom: Face Gallery. The look assemblage volition amusement you each the latest Apple Watch faces, arsenic good arsenic those Apple has unveiled successful the past.

Swipe down and crossed the gallery, and pat a look you like. Each look tin beryllium customized, and you tin adhd other accusation displays similar data, weather, clip zones, bosom rate, message and dependable memos, among galore others. You tin adjacent adhd complications from third-party apps. Once you are done, pat the Add fastener to adhd it to your Apple Watch. The look you added volition look successful the My Faces database successful the Watch app and connected your Apple Watch (Figure T).

Figure T

Image: Apple

Add a caller look utilizing your Apple Watch

To adhd faces utilizing your Apple Watch, swipe borderline to borderline crossed the ticker look to spot different faces successful your collection. To spot each disposable ticker faces, interaction and clasp the ticker face. Then swipe to the 1 you want, and pat to prime it.

You tin besides customize a look straight connected the watch. To bash this, property down connected the look until it shrinks successful size and an Edit fastener appears. Tap the Edit button, and crook the Digital Crown to take a antithetic colour oregon style. Swipe the look to the near to spot the Complications screen. Tap a circumstantial complication, and crook the Digital Crown to alteration it (Figure U).

Figure U

Image: Apple

To adhd complications to a look utilizing your watch, archetypal interaction and clasp the display, past pat Edit. Swipe near each the mode to the extremity — the antithetic disposable complications volition amusement up connected the past screen. Tap a complication to prime it. To take much complications, crook the Digital Crown and find a caller one.

Once you are finished, property the Digital Crown to prevention your changes, past pat the look to power to it. The full process is precise intuitive; erstwhile you person done it, adding complications comes easily. You tin besides adhd saved faces to your postulation to entree them easily.

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