TIOBE Index News (December 2023): Smaller Programming Languages Are Rising in Popularity

10 months ago 41

In this month’s TIOBE Programming Community Index, the top 10 programming languages list rankings person stayed dependable since November. However, according to the index’s ranking system, Python dropped somewhat successful popularity, losing 2.80%; C mislaid 5.12%; and C++ mislaid 1.92%.

This whitethorn look contradictory, but the scale is ordered based connected wide ratings, not the month-over-month changes. The apical 10 programming languages losing popularity points portion smaller languages specified arsenic Kotlin gradually summation them has been a inclination this year, said TIOBE Software CEO Paul Jansen.

Each month, TIOBE Software ranks 100 programming languages by their popularity with the programming community.

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The scenery is changing for smaller programming languages

“It mightiness look a spot unusual that astir of the apical 20 languages mislaid popularity successful 2023,” Jansen wrote successful the December 2023 TIOBE Index. “So what happened? The reply lies successful the agelong tail, wherever each the tiny languages reside. Those are each moving up a spot and are getting person to the large languages.”

For example, arsenic Jansen pointed out, the 50th astir fashionable connection connected the scale (ML) had a people of 0.14% successful December 2022; this year, the 50th astir fashionable connection (ActionScript) sits astatine 0.24%.

SEE: Top 10 database of programming languages from this month’s TIOBE Index and erstwhile months successful 2023 (TechRepublic)

In an email to TechRepublic, Jansen projected 3 ideas astir wherefore smaller programming languages mightiness beryllium gaining much popularity portion larger ones are decreasing successful popularity.

  • The fig of programmers is increasing, including astir the world, contributing to variety.
  • Search engines TIOBE uses to cipher its points, including Google and Amazon, whitethorn person reduced the variance successful hits successful their algorithms and truthful made the quality betwixt languages smaller.
  • General changes successful the programming scenery are allowing for a dependable churn of caller languages.

“The programming connection scenery is gradually changing,” Jansen said. “New languages are moving their mode up to the top.”

C# is the beforehand runner for programming connection of the year

The TIOBE Index’s apical programming connection of the twelvemonth is the connection that had the highest emergence successful ratings successful 1 year. This year, Jansen said, C# is the apt candidate.

“Yes, I know, we person been present before,” Jansen wrote successful the December TIOBE Index. “At the extremity of 2022, it looked similar C# would go the programming connection of that year. But astatine the last moment, C++ took the rubric unexpectedly.” This was besides impacted by the emergence successful popularity of smaller languages.

Another origin successful C# gaining arsenic galore points arsenic it has is that Java is losing ground, Jansen told TechRepublic.

“Most programmers determination to Kotlin and C# (instead of Java) due to the fact that these languages are much expressive and person a much favorable licence model,” Jansen said.

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