Top 10 SEO Project Management Templates (Free & Paid)

1 week ago 5

Optimizing your website for integrated hunt isn’t thing you tin acceptable and forget. It’s an ongoing inaugural that requires your afloat attraction and semipermanent planning.

SEO task absorption templates springiness you abstraction to program each the enactment and marque definite nary tasks autumn done cracks. Whether you’re doing SEO connected your ain oregon managing a team, these templates volition assistance you enactment organized, connected track, and up of the curve.

ClickUp’s SEO task absorption templates

ClickUp is simply a almighty task absorption solution that’s customizable, feature-rich, and affordable. Beyond ready-made templates, you’ll get everything you request to negociate projects astatine scale.

From built-in squad chat to Kanban boards, Gantt charts, and sprint management, ClickUp comes with a wide scope of collaborative features to negociate and standard your business.

Plus, it offers a generous escaped program and plentifulness of country to grow.

More ClickUp coverage: ClickUp review | ClickUp vs | ClickUp vs Notion.

SEO Project Management: An easy, yet diagnostic affluent template

This escaped SEO template from ClickUp is cleanable for a wide scope of SEO projects. You tin usage it for assigning and tracking one-off tasks, similar compressing images oregon auditing headers, oregon ongoing SEO efforts, similar contented creation.

A ClickUp task  committee  showing SEO audit tasks not yet started, tasks successful  progress, and tasks that request   review.ClickUp’s SEO task absorption template covers  audits, SEO tasks, clip tracking, and more. Image:

Just similar the instrumentality itself, ClickUp’s template is afloat of functionality, letting users signifier and presumption each enactment successful 1 spot portion others show large representation advancement without getting successful the weeds.

You tin adjacent way your budget, allocate resources, and collaborate successful the aforesaid place.

It besides comes with 16 customized statuses and 5 customized views, taking retired a batch of the upfront enactment to marque systems similar these work. While there’s plentifulness to customize if you take to bash so, you tin commencement utilizing it successful a substance of minutes.

SEO Checklist: A simpler alternate for tracking one-off tasks

SEO optimization includes galore tiny and intricate tasks you’ll apt person to repetition for antithetic pages oregon pieces of content. Keeping way of these details tin beryllium a challenge, particularly erstwhile you’re optimizing aggregate URLs astatine the aforesaid time.

ClickUp’s SEO checklist template solves this problem.

ClickUp’s SEO Checklist template showing tasks organized by cheque  marks, colors, and categories.ClickUp makes it casual to way each SEO tasks for idiosyncratic pages, links, content, and your full tract arsenic a whole. Image:

It comes pre-loaded with indispensable SEO tasks, which is large if you’re not definite wherever to start. You tin besides conception tasks into categories and prioritize enactment nevertheless you’d like.

However, you tin easy acceptable up customized checklists for idiosyncratic pages and physique caller lists for antithetic types of pages, similar home, blog posts, landing pages, and FAQ pages. It’s a large prime whether you cognize precisely what you privation to bash oregon you request immoderate assistance figuring that out.

Since the template lone works with ClickUp, you’ll besides beryllium capable to pat into its built-in task absorption and collaboration features. An SEO contented absorption template is simply a collaborative relational database solution with built-in task absorption capabilities. You tin usage it to support way of conscionable astir anything, from your fund and tasks to resources, assets, and SEO projects.

With much than 200 escaped templates to take from, determination are plentifulness of places to commencement if you don’t consciousness comfy starting from scratch.

More coverage: review | Airtable vs | Notion vs’s SEO Content Template showing a array  for keywords successful  yellowish  and a array  to make  contented  briefs successful  pink.With, you tin crook keyword opportunities into contented briefs with conscionable a fewer clicks. Image:

Because of its relational nature, you tin acceptable up aggregate boards and tables that link to each different alternatively than cramming everything into 1 place. Regardless of however you bash it, your squad tin easy collaborate, negociate their work, and power betwixt views astatine their leisure.

My favourite SEO template is simply a contented readying instrumentality that lets you representation contented based connected keyword research.

It includes everything you request to spell from keyword to published post, including little creation, task management, and publishing activity. It’s a one-stop store for contented teams looking for a simple, yet effectual mode to signifier operations.

You’ll beryllium capable to adhd oregon import keywords and applicable data, make subtasks (like opportunities oregon circumstantial optimizations), connect SEO briefs, and delegate tasks done the publishing stage.

While it doesn’t assistance with SEO audits oregon method SEO, it’s a beardown starting point.

SEO task absorption templates for Notion

Notion makes it imaginable to physique collaborative workspaces for teams, full businesses, oregon individuals looking for a amended mode to negociate their work. It’s elemental and versatile capable to accommodate antithetic types of projects — including selling and SEO.

There’s a decent escaped program you tin usage to spot if it’s a bully acceptable for you. While it does necessitate configuration up front, it puts you successful implicit control.

More Notion coverage: Notion review | Coda vs Notion | Obsidian vs Notion

SEO Campaign Hub: A escaped run planner

This template is elemental and straightforward yet almighty capable to assistance you negociate page-level optimization, sitewide updates, and monthly attraction tasks.

A Notion workspace with a leafage   called Sitewide Advisements unfastened  connected  the left; it has a array  beneath  with columns for task   name, status, and precedence  level   and a task   item  presumption    for 1  of those tasks opened connected  the right.Track sitewide, page-level, and monthly SEO tasks successful 1 spot with the SEO Campaign Hub built for Notion. Image:

You’ll beryllium capable to acceptable precedence level, way status, adhd notes, acceptable trouble level, connect SOPs and learning resources, and adjacent way expected impact. While determination aren’t tools for keyword research, backlinking, analytics, oregon contented audits, determination is simply a centralized spot to store each of those elements if you bash them.

Despite its simplicity, it includes a batch of extras you won’t find successful different escaped templates. There’s besides a afloat video walkthrough showing you however to acceptable it up and however to usage it.

If you already usage Notion, you tin easy necktie this template into your existing workspace and workflows. If you don’t, it’s conscionable arsenic large arsenic a standalone tool.

The SEO Roadmap: For high-level SEO task planning

This is 1 of the astir broad SEO task absorption templates you’ll find connected the web. It’s $97, which sounds similar a lot. But The SEO Roadmap is worthy each penny if you’re looking for a complete, self-contained strategy to negociate everything SEO.

A screenshot of a keyword mapping committee  successful  Notion with columns for URL, keyword, hunt  volume, hunt  intent, and taxable   cluster.This paid template from Notion covers each aspects of SEO planning. Image:

From regular task absorption to big-picture strategy and figuring retired wherever to commencement successful the archetypal place, this “template” includes galore templates that screen everything you need.

There are templates for keyword research, web architecture, audits, method SEO, contented planning, reporting, and much each successful 1 centralized workspace.

You’ll besides get pre-made Kanban, calendar, and timeline views positive databases to store, track, and negociate each portion of your caller system.

As a implicit system, you won’t person to interest astir piecing unneurotic escaped templates that whitethorn oregon whitethorn not enactment together. With The SEO Roadmap, you get it each preconfigured for you. On apical of that, you’ll bask escaped updates and improvements for life.

Smartsheet: To allocate and negociate SEO resources

Smartsheet is simply a almighty spreadsheet-like task absorption solution with relational databases you tin usage to physique concern apps. It’s perfect for collaborative enactment and tracking advancement crossed aggregate projects, teams, and departments.

Most of Smartsheet’s templates are reasonably generic and casual to usage for immoderate benignant of project. You’ll conscionable request to tweak immoderate of the default substance to acceptable your needs (in this case, SEO).

More Smartsheet coverage: Smartsheet review | Smartsheet vs Airtable | Smartsheet alternatives

A task  absorption   template organized into 3  sections highlighted successful  gray, yellow, and greenish  with subtasks for each   section.Smartsheet has a generic task assets readying template that tin beryllium utilized for SEO. Image:

I urge Smartsheet’s task with assets absorption template if you similar spreadsheets, but consciousness similar you’ve outgrown the capabilities of Excel and Google Sheets. It’ll consciousness acquainted but you’ll get dozens of other task absorption features to signifier tasks and spot them done to completion.

This template is peculiarly utile if you’re assigning tasks to aggregate squad members. It helps you negociate workloads to guarantee you’re not overloading employees oregon contractors, portion besides giving everyone plentifulness to support busy.

You tin usage this template to program SEO projects, presumption tasks crossed employees, show assets allocation, and presumption high-level timelines with existent clip updates.

The biggest drawback is that it’s not specifically for SEO — you’ll request to walk immoderate clip getting things acceptable up earlier you really commencement utilizing it.

SEO task absorption templates for Excel and Google Sheets

Prefer spreadsheets? They’re a elemental and acquainted mode to negociate work, particularly for small, simple, oregon repeated projects and tasks.

Neither Excel oregon Google Sheets has pre-built templates specifically for SEO. However, determination are dozens of templates disposable from 3rd parties. Here are 2 of the best.

More spreadsheet coverage: Free Excel alternatives | Excel tips and tricks | Learn Excel online

Ahrefs SEO Checklist: Comprehensive task management

We can’t speech astir SEO without talking astir Ahrefs. As an manufacture adept and SEO bundle provider, it’s harmless to accidental they cognize what they’re doing — their broad and interactive SEO checklist for Google Sheets is nary exception.

Inside of Google Sheets — the near  shows the country  you’ll input wherever  you built your website and the types of tasks you’re funny   successful  with the close    showing a database  of tasks from the 2nd  expanse  filtered to lucifer  your selections.Ahrefs offers a customizable and interactive database of SEO tasks based connected wherever you built your website and the types of tasks you privation to do. Image: Google Sheets

Once you’ve created your ain transcript of the template, each you person to bash is take what your website runs connected and prime the types of tasks you privation to enactment on.

The different expanse automatically updates to lucifer your selections with tasks organized into groups for one-off work, periodical tasks, and tasks you should repetition for each page. Not lone that, but you’ll besides get a nexus to Ahrefs’ blog showing you precisely however to bash each task.

This is an fantabulous enactment if you aren’t rather definite what you request to bash oregon however to bash it.

You tin adjacent marque copies of the template oregon transcript and paste the checklist into your task absorption instrumentality if you’d like.

GanttPRO’s SEO Content Template: General task management

GanttPRO is an online Gantt illustration creator. It besides includes elemental task absorption features similar task assignments, fund planning, clip tracking, and more. However, they besides connection a escaped SEO selling program template for Excel and Google Sheets if you don’t privation to wage for GanttPRO.

GanttoPRO’s template opened successful  Google Sheets showing columns for task   name, commencement  date, extremity  date, deadline, hours tracking, status, precedence  level, and more.GanttPRO’s SEO Content Plan Template is escaped to download for Excel and Google Sheets. Image: Google Sheets

The template provides a basal starting constituent if you privation to amended your website but don’t cognize wherever to start.

Once you marque your ain copy, you’ll person a pre-made database of 35 tasks segmented into antithetic categories, including foundational SEO, onsite, technical, content, and nexus building.

There are subtasks for each class and columns to way your progress, negociate priorities, and instrumentality notes.

While I privation immoderate of the columns had pre-built dropdowns, you tin easy configure those successful a fewer minutes if you’d like. There’s besides plentifulness of country to customize the template to lucifer your needs.

Stackby SEO task absorption templates

Stackby is simply a no-code level that leverages relational databases to physique customized no-code automations and applications. You tin motion up for Stackby for escaped and entree implicit 500 templates, including much than a twelve for SEO.

Technical SEO Audit Template: Run broad method audits

So far, we’ve covered contented management, task management, and elemental tasks lists. This template covers a antithetic area: method SEO audits. It includes 2 tables, 1 for idiosyncratic tasks and 1 for polished SEO audit reports for antithetic areas.

A spreadsheet-style template showing rows of SEO tasks, descriptions, completion status, and categories.This template has a implicit database of method SEO priorities with built-in tools for task tracking. Image:

It comes preloaded with 59 method SEO tasks and you tin region oregon adhd tasks arsenic needed. You’ll beryllium capable to supply a description, category, and comments with wide “Optimized” oregon “Not Optimized” indicators to amusement progress.

With the audit reports, it’s casual to spot however galore tasks determination are, however galore person been completed, and however galore are left.

Everything updates successful existent clip arsenic enactment gets done truthful you ne'er person to interest astir utilizing outdated information. But possibly the champion portion is that it integrates with SEO tools similar Ahrefs and Google Search Console.

You’ll adjacent get escaped updates arsenic SEO champion practices and requirements alteration truthful you don’t person to enactment connected apical of it yourself.

The main drawback is that there’s not truly a mode to way immoderate different benignant of work. You tin surely physique connected apical of the template oregon brace it with different Stackby templates, but it’s acold from everything you’ll request to negociate SEO projects.

SEO Competitor Analysis Template: Identify keyword gaps and contented opportunities

If you usage Ahrefs, you’ll emotion Stackby’s SEO rival investigation template. It automatically brings rival information from Ahrefs (via its API) into the system, making it casual to support an oculus connected that accusation portion managing tasks and projects successful 1 place.

An illustration  rival  investigation  utilizing Asana, Airtable, Coda,, and Trello with information  for domain rating, Ahefs rank, and backlinks.You tin usage this template to way the astir important SEO metrics from websites competing for the aforesaid keywords. Image:

You’ll beryllium capable to support way of each competitor’s domain rating, Ahrefs rank, backlinks, traffic, and keywords astatine a precocious level. No much going backmost and distant betwixt tools.

From there, you’ll beryllium capable to place gaps successful your ain sum based connected the phrases and keywords your competitors are presently ranking for.

There are a fewer downsides, though. This template doesn’t person thing beyond the competitors table, truthful you’ll person to physique retired your ain SEO task absorption template oregon harvester it with premade templates to make a afloat system.

Aside from that, you besides person to beryllium connected a paid Ahrefs plan. It’s 1 of the champion SEO audit tools retired there, but it does travel with a hefty terms tag.

Types of SEO task absorption templates

SEO task absorption templates scope from escaped to expensive, elemental to comprehensive, and casual to complicated. There are dozens of antithetic subcategories of SEO, each with their ain templates.

Common examples include:

  • SEO audit templates.
  • Technical SEO templates.
  • Keyword probe templates.
  • Content readying templates.
  • SEO checklist templates.
  • Competitive investigation templates.
  • On-page optimization templates.
  • Off-page SEO templates.
  • Link gathering templates.
  • Website architecture templates for SEO.
  • Local SEO templates.
  • SEO assets allocation templates.
  • SEO strategy templates.

As you tin see, immoderate are hyper-specific portion others are much broad. You tin adjacent zoom retired and see wide marketing program templates if you’re not lone focused connected SEO.

If you spell with a escaped template, you’ll apt person to harvester aggregate templates unneurotic to execute what you’re after. Paid templates are much comprehensive, but not free. It’s up to you to determine which of those tradeoffs makes the astir sense.

Things to look retired for erstwhile utilizing SEO task absorption templates

There are hundreds (if not thousands) of SEO templates connected the internet. Unfortunately, they’re not each created equal, particularly those with premade task lists designed to assistance you optimize your website.

Blindly pursuing this proposal without researching oregon confirming each task’s value tin pb to wasting clip and ultimately, disappointment.

It’s ever bully to bash what you tin to recognize wherefore you’re doing what you’re doing.

Aside from that, the sheer fig of templates tin consciousness overwhelming. Keep the pursuing tips successful caput erstwhile deciding which one(s) to use.

It’s good to usage much than one

If you spell with a escaped template, it apt won’t screen each facet of SEO — and that’s wholly fine.

You tin usage 1 template for method audits, different for keyword research, and a 3rd for ongoing contented creation.

Getting the nonstop template and setup you request for each portion of the process is often easier than trying to acceptable everything successful 1 place.

My champion proposal though? Stick to 1 tool. Don’t usage for method audits and ClickUp for contented planning. Instead, look for abstracted method audit templates and contented readying templates that enactment with the aforesaid tool.

This volition prevention you a batch of headache and wealth if you extremity up upgrading to a paid plan.

An all-in-one is good if you person the resources to negociate it

It’s tempting to privation everything successful 1 place. Further, it’s a large acquisition erstwhile users don’t person to power betwixt tools oregon documents oregon views.

However, setups similar this are analyzable and casual to break. If you’re not acquainted with the tool, it’s a bully thought to walk clip getting comfy with it truthful you cognize what to bash if thing isn’t moving however you expected.

Otherwise, you tally the hazard of breaking the template and not being capable to hole it.

Don’t beryllium acrophobic to customize

While starting with a template is simply a astute mode to prevention time, you’ll apt person to customize it to lucifer your needs. Learning the basics of the bundle you’re utilizing volition spell a agelong mode and it’s good worthy the other effort.

Rather than changing however you enactment to acceptable the template, the template should alteration to lucifer your workflow.

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