Top Facial Recognition Software Vendors

1 year ago 42

Find the champion facial designation bundle with our broad adept guide. Discover the apical solutions for enhanced information and convenient identification.

  • Best wide facial designation software: Amazon Rekognition
  • Best for KYC verification: BioID
  • Best AI-powered ID verification for question and borderline checks: Paravision
  • Best for instrumentality enforcement usage cases: Cognitec
  • Best for AI developers utilizing Java, .NET, C++ for facial designation exertion development: Luxand
  • Best for transparent pricing for antithetic concern types: Kairos
  • Best for tiny to mid-sized businesses: Sky Biometry
  • Best for market store theft prevention: FaceFirst
  • Best for skeleton detection: Face++
  • Best for flexible deployment options: Trueface

Biometric information technologies specified arsenic facial recognition, are becoming much blase owed to the emergence successful cybersecurity threats. Facial designation bundle employs artificial intelligence and machine learning to scan quality faces and lucifer them against existing biometric information to corroborate if an idiosyncratic should beryllium granted entree to an application, machine strategy oregon environment.

SEE: Artificial Intelligence Ethics Policy (TechRepublic Premium)

Here’s a look astatine the existent apical facial designation bundle vendors, arsenic good arsenic usage cases for the technology.

Top facial designation software: Comparison table

The examination array beneath highlights immoderate of the features of facial designation software, which merchandise has what and a snippet of what the pricing looks like.

ProductLiveness DetectionID verification for KYCVideo analyticsSpoofing detectionPricing
Amazon RekognitionYesYesYesYesPricing varies depending connected portion and usage.
BioIDYesYesNoYesContact vendor for a quote.
ParavisionYesNoYesYesContact vendor for a quote.
CognitecYesYesYesYesContact vendor for a quote.
LuxandYesNoYesYesContact vendor for a quote.
KairosYesYesYesYesStarts astatine $19/month positive a 14-day escaped trial.
Sky BiometryYesNoYesYesStarts astatine $55 per month.
FaceFirstYesNoYesNoContact vendor for a quote.
Face++YesNoYesYesStarts from $100/ Day, depending connected the fig of requests.
TruefaceYesNoYesYesContact the vendor for quote.

Facial designation bundle vendors

Amazon Rekognition: Best wide facial designation software

Amazon Rekognition is simply a fashionable supplier of facial designation services astir the world. The Rekognition bundle has facial hunt and facial investigation features that assistance grounds facial detection, idiosyncratic verification and nationalist information use. In addition, the bundle has a immense database astatine its disposal, enhancing its accuracy successful entity recognition.

With the Amazon Rekognition software, representation and video hosting providers tin easy use contented moderation capabilities to their applications and websites. Content moderation helps to place inappropriate oregon unsafe images oregon videos. Furthermore, this bundle tin statement a wide scope of objects and observe customized logos, celebrities and texts.


  • Offers representation and video moderation done representation and video detection and analytics.
  • Face liveness detection.
  • Face comparison and hunt support.
  • Face detection and analysis.
  • Content moderation (recognition of inappropriate contented for moderation).


  • Free 12-month usage.
  • You tin easy standard up and down depending connected your request for the product.
  • Businesses tin easy link via an API.
  • Pricing categories are transparent.


  • The pricing could beryllium analyzable for a speedy buyer.


Amazon Rekognition is disposable arsenic portion of AWS Free Tier. Organizations tin usage this tier for up to 12 months. On the escaped tier package, users tin analyse up to 5,000 images and store up to 1,000 look metadata objects per month.

The paid tier depends connected the portion wherever the work is hosted and the measurement of usage. For the paid tier, the outgo of representation processing starts astatine $0.001 per representation for the archetypal 1 cardinal images analyzed, portion the outgo of storing look metadata is $0.00001 per metadata per month. For much analyzable needs, AWS provides a pricing calculator.

BioID: Best for KYC verification

BioID offers cloud-based facial designation bundle that tin beryllium accessed from anyplace utilizing APIs. BioID has 2 large features: liveness detection and photoverify facial recognition.

Liveness detection is simply a fantastic instrumentality for warring online frauds. This diagnostic tin easy observe unrecorded persons, spoofing attacks and differentiate humans from avatars, but requires immoderate level of quality enactment to function.

The photoverify diagnostic is simply a solution for Know Your Customer verification, facial log-in usage cases and different facial designation needs.


  • Offers spoofing onslaught detection.
  • Supports ‘Proof of life” verification for recipients of pensions and benefits.
  • Supports disguise authentication that lone needs the eyes to work.
  • Offers selfie verification for online banking and integer onboarding.


  • KYC verification is straightforward.
  • It tin beryllium utilized for distant individuality verification done unrecorded look matching.
  • Supports biometric verification of ID ownership done PhotoVerify.


  • There is nary escaped trial.
  • Pricing is not transparent.


  • For pricing interaction BioID support

Paravision: Best AI-powered ID verification for question and borderline checks

Paravision is simply a cloud-based AI designation solution with respective prime characteristics. Founded to lick enactment designation and facial designation issues, Paravision relies connected real-time streaming and frame-based techniques to supply look detection solutions. The bundle easy detects and verifies faces and maps their locations during unrecorded sessions. Other features see look clustering, look comparison, spoof detection, phenotype detection and property estimation.

Paravision usage cases see entree power systems, Know Your Customer verification and borderline information control. The institution tin supply a demo for imaginable users.


  • Offers look designation engines that are docker-based for faster deployment and scalability.
  • Offers liveness and heavy fake checks.
  • Provides precocious entity property analysis.
  • Provides Paravision hunt for AI-based representation search.


  • Optimized for usage crossed large platforms, including Windows, macOS, Android and Linux.
  • Offers a demo for imaginable users.
  • It tin beryllium utilized connected desktops and mobiles.
  • Supports unreality oregon on-premise deployment.


  • There are nary pricing details for imaginable users.


  • Reach retired to the vendor for a quote.

Cognitec: Best for instrumentality enforcement usage cases

Cognitec’s live video scan diagnostic enables your strategy to observe faces successful unrecorded video streams. It takes things a measurement further by numbering the facial detections and signaling the demographics. This peculiar solution besides has the endeavor mentation designed for immense concern enterprises.

There is besides an ID biometric verification solution for businesses and instrumentality enforcement agents. Cognitec usage cases see carnal security, instrumentality enforcement and ID management.


  • Cognitec offers biometric information extortion with cryptographic signing and template encryption.
  • Offers immense representation database which helps with instant look lucifer results.
  • Automatic real-time notifications for banned idiosyncratic entranceway detection.
  • Integrates good with industry-leading HD video cameras.


  • Offers real-time watchlist alert.
  • Provides statistic and analytics connected radical flow, demographics and behavior.
  • Duplicate look detection support.


  • No pricing is disposable connected the site.
  • There is nary unrecorded lawsuit enactment system.


  • Contact the vendor for pricing.

Luxand: Best for AI developers utilizing Java, .NET, C++ for facial designation exertion development

Luxand offers a assortment of high-end facial designation solutions. Although a large instrumentality successful the hands of commercialized users, Luxand is astir suitable for AI developers who are looking for a s facial detection and designation solution tat works with Java, .NET, C++ and Delphi apps.

Other industries that whitethorn find the Luxand exertion utile are the amusement sector, banks, biometric individuality and information firms. Their technologies are utilized by commercialized organizations to automate the process of uploading facial images to databases.


  • Flexibility successful webcam integration, including MJPEG-compatible IP cameras.
  • Automated detection of masked faces.
  • Automated sex and property designation support.
  • Supports automated look recognition, specified arsenic blink, grin and frown.


  • It tin beryllium utilized crossed a wide scope of devices.
  • Integrates seamlessly with modern camera technologies.
  • Offers a escaped proceedings version.


  • It cannot beryllium tally connected the cloud.
  • No pricing is disposable connected the site.


  • Contact the vendor for pricing details.

Kairos: Best for transparent pricing for antithetic concern types

Kairos is different formidable facial designation solution supplier that allows users to big the bundle connected their servers oregon integrate it utilizing APIs. This FRS solution covers a batch of facial designation needs, specified arsenic spoof detection, multi-face detection, property detection and sex detection.

Additionally, you tin leverage the software’s facial coordinates and diverseness detection, which are important successful knowing the diverseness of quality faces. Kairos’ FRS is large for enterprises looking to integrate facial designation into their strategy with APIs.


  • Cloud API integration support.
  • KYC verification support.
  • Supports look detection that helps to find quality faces successful photos and images.
  • Offers anti-spoofing support.


  • Offers straightforward pricing for businesses of antithetic sizes and types.
  • Offers a 14-day escaped trial.
  • It tin beryllium deployed via the unreality oregon on-Premise.


  • Lacks unrecorded lawsuit enactment for speedy solution of issues.


Kairos offers aggregate pricing plans for antithetic concern sizes. Below is the breakdown pricing:

  • Student cloud: Starts astatine $19/month.
  • Developer cloud: Starts astatine $99/month.
  • Business cloud: Starts astatine $249/month.
  • Enterprise cloud: Starts astatine $499/month.
  • On-Premise: Contact the vendor for a quote

Sky Biometry: Best for tiny to mid-sized businesses

Sky Biometry is simply a biometric exertion programming interface supplier that offers enterprises AI-powered facial designation and detection services. Facial recognition, property determination and look detection are astatine the halfway of its services.

Sky Biometry is susceptible of applying facial landmarks to find sex and age; cheque for facial temper and observe if determination are objects connected a face. The Sky Biometry work is astir suitable for enterprises with their ain developers who conscionable request to use Sky’s FRS API to their exertion for facial recognition.

The instrumentality has antithetic subscription modes and a demo version.


  • Face detection and designation support.
  • Support for property and sex estimation.
  • Emotion designation support.
  • Facial landmark detection functionality.
  • Image moderation capability.


  • Offers an easy-to-use API.
  • Affordable pricing, which includes a escaped plan.
  • It tin beryllium accessed connected the web, PC, oregon mobile.


  • Limited features compared to different facial designation solutions.
  • Lower plans subscribers lone get 2 business-day support.


Skybiometry offers a escaped program and 3 different payable plans.

  • P1: Starts astatine $55 per month.
  • P2: Starts astatine $110 per month.
  • Custom: Contact the vendor for a quote.

FaceFirst: Best for market store theft prevention

FaceFirst is simply a biometric information solution supplier for retailers who privation to follow AI to mitigate fraud, theft and unit successful their business. With the FaceFirst information solution, you tin power access, authenticate lawsuit ID and observe age.

As a look matching strategy with a precocious grade of accuracy, FaceFirst is utilized by businesses that see casinos, airports and stadiums. The institution provdes demonstrations of its software.


  • Face detection and designation support.
  • Supports real-time alerts.
  • Behavioral analytics.
  • Customizable notifications.
  • Comprehensive reporting and analytics.


  • Real-time alerts for imaginable information threats.
  • Customizable features to acceptable circumstantial needs.
  • Offered via the unreality oregon on-premise.


  • Non-transparent pricing.


Contact the vendor for pricing details.

Face++: Best for skeleton detection

Face++ goes beyond facial detection to see deeper layers of AI-powered designation of different quality attributes. Apart from liveness detection and faceID individuality verification, Face++ besides provides a blase algorithm for skeleton detection which tin assistance observe quality assemblage motion.

Furthermore, Face++ besides provides a precocious level of accuracy successful its individuality detection and matching process. The bundle besides prides itself connected identifying images nether challenging conditions, specified arsenic atrocious lighting and low-quality facet ratios.


  • Support for skeleton detection.
  • Offers 3D look exemplary reconstruction.
  • Offers facial property analysis.
  • It tin analyse and place the emotion of detected faces.


  • Offers escaped trial.
  • There is simply a escaped plan.
  • Multiple terms exemplary benefits businesses of each sizes.


  • Expensive pricing for large-scale deployments.


Apart from the escaped version, businesses tin take from pricing models similar Pay As You Go, Daily/Monthly program oregon Pay for Licensing.

Prices besides alteration according to what relation you prime oregon the usage mode. If you take to usage the API mode, facial designation tin outgo astir $100/ Day, depending connected the fig of requests.

If you take to usage the bundle offline, you indispensable acquisition the license, which costs astir $4000. Check retired the Face++ pricing page for much pricing options.

Trueface: Best for flexible deployment options

Trueface leverages heavy imaginativeness exertion for its facial designation solution. The FRS serves its customers done a deployable instrumentality with an SDK and a plug-and-play mode.

Trueface’s halfway services see liveness verification, limb detection, facial designation and disguise detection. Trueface offers immoderate grade of flexibility successful unreality deployment options disposable to customers. It tin beryllium deployed successful cloud, on-premise oregon hybrid infrastructures. The solution is utilized crossed a wide scope of industries and authorities agencies.


  • Offers flexible deployment options, including On-premise, SDK and SaaS.
  • Supports look extraction and landmark detection.
  • Offers spoof detection capability.
  • Supports property detection.


  • It offers aggregate deployment options.
  • There is an enactment for a demo.
  • The bundle is dependency free, making it a lightweight solution.
  • Compatible with aggregate operating systems, including Windows, macOS, Linux and Android.


  • The merchandise needs much elaborate documentation.
  • No pricing details connected the site.


  • Contact vendor for pricing.

Key features of facial designation software

Evolution successful AI/ML has improved facial designation bundle tremendously, bringing astir galore features. Here are immoderate of the cardinal features successful this bundle space.

Face detection

The superior relation of facial designation bundle is look detection. To find radical successful photos oregon videos, it uses instrumentality learning techniques. Once a look has been recognized by the software, the facial features tin beryllium extracted for recognition. This diagnostic is important since it allows the programme to differentiate betwixt quality faces and objects that aren’t faces.

Emotion detection

Emotion detection is the quality of facial designation bundle to observe emotions connected people’s faces, specified arsenic happiness, anger, sadness, and surprise. This diagnostic is utile successful assorted applications, specified arsenic selling research, lawsuit service, and information surveillance. For instance, businesses tin usage emotion detection to gauge lawsuit restitution and tailor their products and services to conscionable their needs. In information surveillance, emotion detection tin assistance place threats based connected people’s affectional states.

Age and sex detection

Facial designation bundle tin besides observe a person’s property and gender. This diagnostic is adjuvant successful immoderate usage cases, specified arsenic targeted marketing, demographic research, and nationalist safety. For instance, businesses tin usage property and sex detection to make targeted advertizing campaigns that entreaty to a peculiar demographic. In nationalist settings, property and sex detection tin assistance place missing persons and suspects based connected their carnal characteristics.

Liveliness detection

Liveliness detection is the quality of facial designation bundle to observe if a look is existent oregon fake. This diagnostic is captious successful preventing fraud successful applications specified arsenic online individuality verification. Liveliness detection tin observe if a idiosyncratic is utilizing a photograph oregon video to spoof the strategy and verify whether the idiosyncratic is physically present.

Face matching

To lucifer a face, FRS compares the retrieved facial traits with faces successful a database. This diagnostic is important for entree power and information surveillance due to the fact that it tin accurately place a person’s identity. Face matching besides helps companies to connection a much individualized lawsuit experience, specified arsenic merchandise recommendations and targeted advertizing based connected the consumer’s tastes and past purchases.

How to take the champion facial designation bundle for your business

Choosing the champion facial designation solution for your concern tin beryllium tasking. However, you should see immoderate captious factors to marque a bully selection. Highlighted beneath are immoderate of these cardinal factors.

Check if the bundle meets your concern needs.

Every concern enactment has peculiar needs they mean to conscionable erstwhile investing successful immoderate bundle solution. In the lawsuit of facial designation software, you should find your concern needs and ascertain if the bundle is susceptible of gathering these needs. For instance, you whitethorn request the bundle for conscionable interior authentication of distant employees, borderline checks, oregon bureau entranceway information checks for radical that enactment from the office. These needs should signifier portion of your criteria for choosing the software.

Consider the accuracy rating

You should effort to find the accuracy metrics of the FRS you mean to adopt. For example, what accuracy threshold is your concern comfy with? An reply to this question volition usher you connected what accuracy level to expect from the software. For instance, Paravision ranked archetypal successful the 2022 National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) look designation vendor test. You tin besides transportation retired your ain trial if the merchandise offers a escaped proceedings period.

Consider privateness and information compliance

While information indispensable beryllium encrypted and protected from information breaches, it should besides support idiosyncratic privacy. There is simply a fearfulness from immoderate members of the nationalist that FRS vendors could merchantability quality information to the highest bidder. Consider checking the bundle vendor’s privateness provisions and regulatory compliance.

Consider the integration and deployment support

Your prime of an FRS should besides beryllium determined by the integration and deployment capabilities disposable connected the software. As tin beryllium seen from our reappraisal of the products, immoderate of the solutions connection some unreality and on-premise deployment, portion others bash not. Therefore, it is advisable you guarantee that your preferred FRS offers a deployment enactment you are comfy with.


We arrived astatine our database by studying the main features of facial designation bundle and the bundle solutions that connection these cardinal features. Some of the factors we based our enactment connected see the software’s accuracy ratings, deployment flexibility, security, reporting and analytics capabilities. We besides studied the NIST study connected look designation vendors to assistance america find the tools to diagnostic connected our list.

Read next: What is facial designation software?

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